Fire protection systems

  • Fire alarm Systems. Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance.
  • Public address system. Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance.
  • All types of extinguishing systems. Design, installation, commissioning and maintenance.
  • Warranty and post-warranty service of all systems.
  • Carrying out a set of measures for fire protection of buildings and facilities.
  • Turnkey installation of all systems.
  • Warranty and post-warranty service of all systems.

Extracts from some interesting design solutions.

Automatic fire alarm (AFA) of analogue addressable type for a shopping center 30000m2 on ESMI equipment. Unified control room with graphical system monitoring, control of all fire protection systems of the facility.

Features of engineering and design solutions:

  • All ESMI ESA-8 stations, MESA central station, MCO advanced logic block are located in a central control room.
  • Server with Esgraf software is installed in the central control room for monitoring and system control. Backup control is provided through ESA-8 and MESA boards.
  • The premises are equipped with 2251 automatic analogue addressable smoke detectors; areas with the second light - with System Sensor 6500 linear smoke detectors; technical, manufacture, warehouse areas - with smoke and heat analogue addressable detectors depending on its function and type of premises fire load.
  • To expand the system in the future restructuring in tenants’ areas we provided 30% of the addresses in the circuit and 15% reserve of addressable circuits.
Automatic fire alarm (AFA) analogue addressable type for the warehouse complex of the 14 warehouses on 80000m2 with height of storage space up to 11m and a height of ceiling 14m with usage of System Sensor LASD-1 aspirating detectors.

Features of engineering and design solutions:

  • The system is built on APS ESMI FX Net network system. We used four Fx Net network stations, which are combined into a single system.
  • To protect the main area of warehouses we used LASD-1 aspirating detectors with additional filters for suction air. The use of aspirating detectors significantly reduces the risk of false alarms compared to linear detectors, false alarms of which sometimes occur during the loading of the upper shelves.
  • To protect the spaces under the mezzanine and office space we used 2251 optical analogue addressable detectors.
  • Warehouse facilities with explosive area are equipped with analogue addressable detectors in intrinsically safe version. Loop to the detector is fed through intrinsically safe barrier and specialized separation modules.
  • In battery charging premises for electric forklift trucks we installed gas analyzers for detecting dangerous levels of hydrogen concentration. Gas analyzers are integrated into the AFA through M221 expansion addressable modules.
  • The system is integrated with the assembly of water and gas fire extinguisher system; in a fire event it controls systems of smoke removal, ventilation, emergency door unlocking, public address and evacuation control.
The distributed system of automatic fire alarm (AFA) of the industrial enterprise with the combination of facilities subsystems and their output to a central control room via fiber optic cable.

Features of engineering and design solutions:

  • The company has about 50 buildings, each of which is equipped with analogue addressable automatic fire alarm system (AFA). Each building subsystem is linked to the central stations of AFA, located in the control room.
  • To transfer data from the buildings to the control room we use RS-485 interface, which works through the optical fiber cable using media converters. Optic cable has FRHF performance and 123-FZ compliance certification.
  • In the absence of communication with the central stations, the building stations turn into local mode with the control of fire alarm system, public address system and evacuation.
  • Under difficult installation conditions (open buslines 400V, explosive areas, rooms with the presence of false fire factors) we use the appropriate analogue addressable fire detectors (linear, explosion-proof, multicriteria)
  • Gas analyzers determining the concentration of dangerous natural gas in GDS and boiler rooms, concentration of CO boilers are integrated into the system.
WES 3 for shopping center 30000m2 with sound function, automatic advertising broadcast, operator voice messaging equipment on Inter-M.

Features of engineering and design solutions:

  • The complex is divided into 16 chime areas of different types: areas of office space, general complex visitors’ area, the administration area, the area of office facilities. Each area type has its own characteristics:
    • in the areas of office space is only staff of the complex. Area can be used to call personnel by a dispatcher, to send memos intended for service personnel
    • In the areas of visitors of the complex, music background broadcasting, broadcasting of advertisements, messages for visitors is carried.
    • administration area is intended for immediate notification of the management company of the complex about alarm cases, for music broadcast and messages from a dispatcher.
    • office facilities area are intended only for evacuation alert. Music and advertising broadcast is blocked there.
  • All the chime areas where background music is played have attenuators at the amplifier output to adjust the volume of music in each area separately. Attenuators are automatically switched off when an alarm message and alert message is given at full volume.
  • To automatically monitor the integrity of the alarm circuits unit SC-624 is used, which controls the total resistance of the speakers in a line for deviation from the reference value. This control scheme allows the flexibility to expand the system loops with radial taps.
  • Automatic notification of a fire event and evacuation is carried out using block of digital communications TOA EV-20RW. The unit can store 4 posts, has inputs for playback of any of them.
  • For automatic advertising broadcast software system is used, based on a computer, coupled with notification stand. It allows to transfer pre-recorded ads in selected chime area by schedule (visitors’ area).
  • In the notification area of the tenants premises locking signals, local warning systems, sound systems and other loudspeaking systems are separated. Lock signal is generated when an alarm message released in the complex (automatic or via operator) and allows to disable the tenants' local systems that mute the alert signals of the main system.
  • All system equipment is supported by compliance certificates, flame retardant cable is used, power supply of alerting central equipment is backed up with batteries.
WES 2 of storage complex of 10 warehouses with a total area 73000m2 with BOLID equipment with integration features with the sprinkler fire prevention system and the existing AFA, which has no expansion possibility.
  • Special features of facilities and the availability of old AFA, expansion of which is impossible and that protects only office space, a limited budget of the customer and the necessity of WES automatic switch control.
  • The project envisages the automatic switch of WES when sprinkler sections of each of the warehouses are triggered, when the signal comes from the existing AFA. To control WES from sprinkler system a signal from the pressure switch control units is used, to control from the old AFA - from existing addressable module. To receive signals S2000-AR8 modules were used.
  • For manual switch of WES MCP-513-3A addressable manual call points are installed in all warehouses, in dispatcher facility.
  • For public address, sirens with 110dB sound level were installed. Sirens supply voltage is chosen to be 24V to minimize the cable cross-section and reduce the cost of the system. Triggering sirens, automatic control of loops are done by S2000-KPB device.
  • «Exit» strobe lights are set along the evacuation escape routes, above the emergency exit and in places where clarification is needed on the evacuation direction in accordance with the plan of evacuation.
  • We used BS-741-11 «Exit» strobe lights with a constant light with built-in battery, which provide autonomous work during 1 hour. «Exit» strobe lights have the fire safety certificate of conformity.
  • To connect sirens and "Exit" strobes FRLS fire-proof cable is used that has fire safety certificate of conformity.
Digital WES 4 of a large shopping center with a total area of 43000m2 with a separate music broadcast for each area, with a feedback option with the chime areas on Esser Variodyn D1 equipment.
  • The shopping center is divided into 16 chime areas of different functional purpose (tenants' facilities and boutiques, VIP room areas, service and administrative offices. The system has 6 music sources, it is possible to increase them up to 16. In each chime area individual music source may be broadcasted, in each area own sound volume can be selected.
  • The main system elements - DOM 4-8 control modules with Ethernet interface. The module is connected to an announcing circuit, amplifiers' inputs and outputs. Modules monitor the integrity of the alert loops to a short circuit, open circuit and leakage. Audio signals are received by DOM modules through digital interface from UIM modules. Modules allow to adjust the levels of alerts in each area, to process the sound with EQ, high and low frequency filters.
  • To connect the music sources, UIM modules are used, which digitize and transfer them to DOM modules. Music sources - 3 tuners and 3 MP3/CD players.
  • Feedback from chime area with dispatcher room is performed on TOA N-8000 equipment. In chime areas N-8050 DS loud-speaking outside panels are installed, which are connected to N-8000 EX CE, a central switch. N-8000 MS Y master station controller is also connected to the switch, from which the dispatch operator connects with the chime area's outside panel. Method of transmitting signals from the outdoor panel is digital. All the products have fire safety certificates of conformity.
Water extinguishing sprinkler system of a construction materials store with warm and cold warehouses of total area of 4000m2.

Features of engineering and design solutions:

  • The store has two areas: warm - with shop floor and products storage shelves and cold - covered warehouse for construction materials. For fire safety 2 sprinkler sections are installed - water-filled for the warm area and air-filled for the cold area.
  • Grinnell production control units are used (AV-1 and DPV-1 models).
  • All distribution and supply pipelines are mounted with a gradient, sprinklers in the cold area are installed in upright position. This allows to prevent pipelines damage in the cold area and to simplify system maintenance.
  • The pump unit consists of 2 main and 1st reserve fire pumps Grundfos CR 90-2-2, to maintain the operating pressure Grundfos CR 3-6 jockey pump is used, to maintain the pressure in the air section - air compressor. Using three 11 kW fire pumps compared to the scheme with two 22kW pumps helped to reduce the system cost (three 11kW pumps are cheaper than two - 22 kW) and to reduce the maximum pressure in the system when running pumps in idle.
Modernization and expansion of the fire-extinguishing sprinkler system of the subway trains depot.

Features of engineering solutions:

  • Sprinklers are included into the "dry" section, during the time from triggering to the water supply contact tires with 825V power supply are turned off.
  • The replacement of worn-out and outdated relay control system for up-to-date equipment Sprut-2 produced by Plazma-T (Russia) is considered.
  • Additional sections installations for extinguishing unprotected depot pits are considered.
Installation of GOTV Inergen gas fire extinguisher in the bank server room
  • Use of a safe extinguishing agent Inergen, which consists of atmospheric gases and is safe for staff.
  • The system of automatic control is built on devices S2000-ASPT, S2000M, S2000-PT. For automatic fire detection intelligent threshold detectors "Pro-O" are used.
  • The automation system is integrated into the building AFA, at the fire event it automatically controls doors unlocking system of the facility, turns off ventilation in the server room.
AGFES installation of GOTV Novek 1230 in server room.

Features of engineering solutions:

  • application of modern GOTV with maximum safety for staff, degradable in the atmosphere under the influence of sunlight within 5 days. GOTV Novek has a working fire extinguishing concentration of 4.2%, which is significantly less than the maximum safe level at 10%. Therefore, when triggered GOTV concentration in the room will be almost 3 times less than the dangerous level for a human.

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